My little sister Amy is a senior in High School this year. She dances on the school dance team. As a senior, she can choose to be spotlighted at the winter or spring dance show. This means she gets to choreograph a solo and perform it at the show. She chose to do her dance at the winter show. She worked very hard on her dance and I was so excited to see it. She did an amazing job! I was so impressed that she not only choreographed the dance, but that she performed it solo- sounds pretty intimidating to me. She had a smile on her face the entire time. She also danced in probably 10 other dances which made the whole show fun. My nephew Benji sat on my lap during the show and he was hilarious. His commentary had me laughing out loud a couple of times. He is such a little comedian. My little niece Lauren was absolutely adorable. This was only the third time I’ve seen her and I can’t believe how big she’s gotten. She danced right along the entire show and was completely enamored. I think she might follow in her aunt Ashley and Amy’s footsteps and be a little ballerina. Great job Amy!
A precious picture of Lauren with her dad and grandpa
Saturday night was the girl’s reverse dance at the high school. I got to help Amy get ready which was really fun. My sister-in-law Elyssa took Amy’s group pictures for the dance. I went so I could see Amy and her group and to help Elyssa position people in the pictures. This was quite an entertaining experience. There were, I think, 8 couples. We would position one couple and by the time we got to the 8th couple, the first couple would usually be unpositioned. You could tell they were all a little uncomfortable or felt awkward being that close or touching their date for too long. Probably a good thing, but it kept making me laugh. Positioning a couple for engagement or wedding pictures would definitely be easier:)
Amy and her date. She looked so pretty!
On Sunday, I got to have another Thanksgiving/ turkey dinner compliments to my mom. Yum! On Monday, my mom took the day off to spend time with me which was so nice of her. She had a brilliant idea for us to go and get massages. It was so nice and relaxing! Amy met up with us afterwards and we went and had lunch with my dad on a beautiful golf course. It was such a great weekend and I’m glad that I could be there for these fun events in Amy’s life.
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