Scrubs and a Calculator: Happy Anniversary

September 16, 2011

Happy Anniversary

Dave and I celebrated our first anniversary on August 21, 2011. It was a wonderful day. We spent it in Eureka, CA. A totally random place, but it ended up being perfect. We got to Eureka around dinner time. We asked the concierge for restaurant recommendations as we were both unfamiliar with the town. They recommended the Italian restaurant Gabriele’s. The hotel offered a limousine service which was a fun surprise. We took the limo to dinner. Gabriele’s is one of the best Italian restaurants that I have ever been to. It was a quaint little restaurant with a very authentic feel and the food was delicious. I would definitely consider going back to Eureka just for this restaurant.  These are pictures of us at dinner and in the limo.


I can’t believe that it’s been a whole year since Dave and I got married. I was looking back at pictures from our wedding day and they brought back so many fond memories of that special day in our lives.



This last year has been great! I have really enjoyed being married to someone who I admire and who is my best friend. There is no one I would rather go through life with by my side and I look forward to the many more years and memories that we will have together.


Camille said...

Cute! Happy Memories. How did you get your pictures to look all cool like that?

Shelly said...

Love reading your blog Liz! Good luck in your next adventure!