Scrubs and a Calculator: Valentine’s Day

February 15, 2011

Valentine’s Day

This year was Dave and I’s first Valentine’s Day together as husband and wife. I decided to surprise Dave with an Italian candlelight dinner at our place and Dave surprised me with a scavenger hunt and flowers. We had such a great night together and I can’t wait to spend many more Valentine’s Days together!



Ammon said...

Liz!!!! I didn't know you have a blog- I LOVE it!!! It looks like you guys are doing so great, I am so happy for you! We have a little blog also, it's

I talked to Nicole the other day, she's living in SLC, is that where you're at, or are you in Provo? Hope you're doing well. We had our baby boy a few weeks ago, I don't know if you heard. We're doing alright, we spent 5 days in the PICU with him last week, but now we are all doing well. We should keep in touch.

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!

Ammon said...

That comment was actually from Cassidy. I didn't know I was logged in as Ammon. :)

Jacob said...

Wow Liz, very impressive! I'm glad that Dave pulled his act together and did something for you since you rocked it.

Jessica said...

Where have I been? I did not realize that you took over the blog Liz and were actually posting quite regularly on here! Thanks for all of the fun posts! I loved seeing all the pics of what you've been up to. I'm glad Dave pulled off the Valentine's Day activities!

Joy said...

Aww Liz the meal looks awesome!