Scrubs and a Calculator: Snow Shoeing

January 7, 2011

Snow Shoeing

For one of my Christmas presents, Dave took me snow shoeing. I have always wanted to go and so I figured that we should make it happen as this will be our last winter in snowy Utah. We went at night and used the moonlight and headlamps to see where we were going. I was a bit nervous about going at night, but it was so fun! That is definitely what I would recommend after doing it.  We went on a trail by Mountain Dell Reservoir and it was really pretty. We had a great time with the 2 couples we went with. I also enjoyed the hot chocolate we stopped at 7-11 and got afterwards. Turns out, you can make pretty delicious hot chocolate at 7-11 with all  of the mix-ins that they offer.


1 comment:

Julie said...

Wow Liz, welcome to the blogging world. You guys have had a lot of fun in your first few months of marriage.