Scrubs and a Calculator: Thanksgiving

December 20, 2011


This Thanksgiving was quite monumental for Dave and I. Dave had not been home to Oregon for Thanksgiving in many years and this was the first year I didn’t have to work on Thanksgiving in 5 years. We were really looking forward to spending the holiday with Dave’s family! We headed to Oregon when I got home from work on Wednesday morning. Dave was very nice and drove the whole way while I attempted to sleep- sleeping in the car didn’t go over so well though:( We got to Dan and Cindy’s house a couple hours before dinner. Cindy and I worked on preparing some of the food for the Thanksgiving meal and then I went to bed because I was useless from exhaustion. I’m not really sure what everyone did the rest of the night, but I do know they were quiet because I slept right through it. Thanks everyone.

Thursday morning, Dave and Jake played in a Turkey Bowl. Their team won and they were pretty excited. That afternoon, Stacey, Jake and their kids came over along with Stacey’s family and we finished the last of the dinner preparations.  Our Thanksgiving dinner was quite delicious! Cindy did an excellent job. My favorite part of the Thanksgiving meal was the stuffing (loved it) and the sweet potatoes (I really need to have sweet potatoes more than once a year).  Later that evening, we looked through the ads and planned out our black Friday shopping adventure. Dave, Dan, Cindy and I went headed out shortly before midnight. I had never been black Friday shopping before, but I was well prepared as I stay up all night most every night. Our first stop was Best Buy. The store wasn’t open when we got there so Dave waited in the very long line while Dan, Cindy and I headed to some of the other stores. Dan went and picked Dave up after he was done while Cindy and I were in line at another store. We definitely divided and conquered the shopping. We ended up getting a lot of great deals and were home by 2am. Dave and I made our way back to California later that morning for work.

It was a short trip, but it was fun to celebrate Thanksgiving with the Morris family. I definitely have a lot to be grateful for and it’s great to have a day to reflect upon all of my many blessings.

The crew at Thanksgiving dinner- photo from StaceyIMG_0832

Black Friday shopping in our Oregon attire


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